Pathway to Tyranny

The future of the Supreme Court is on the line in November’s elections. If Vice President Kamala Harris and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are victorious in November, the independent Supreme Court that the Framers bequeathed to us will be a thing of the past. That’s one of the big reasons why Harris must be … Continue reading “Pathway to Tyranny”

Unrestrained Tyranny

Today, Judge Adrienne Nelson, denied our request for a restraining order to delay the implementation of HB 2005, the bill banning the ownership of privately made firearms. [More] I trust no one believed a judge who has been appointed by Kate Brown and nominated by Joe Biden was going to give gun owners an even … Continue reading “Unrestrained Tyranny”

Securing the Curses of Tyranny, One Intolerable Act at a Time

I see a Streisand Effect in their futures. Seems another Democrat had something to say about that once… Berman, Gipson, and Weber, eh? I remember that Gipson racist idiot tyrant . I see Pinhead Berman and Gunquack Weber also want men with guns to take away yours. Hey, if you can ignore the Second Amendment, … Continue reading “Securing the Curses of Tyranny, One Intolerable Act at a Time”


Earlier this week, the firearms community was rocked by news of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) eForms system shutdown, raising alarms among gun shops and National Firearms Act (NFA) applicants alike. The system, crucial for processing applications for silencers, short-barrel rifles, and other NFA items, reportedly closed due to Congressional budgeting … Continue reading “eTyranny”

The Criminalizing Any Chance of Organizing Against Domestic and Foreign Tyranny Act

The “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” is being introduced by Senator Ed Markey from Massachusetts, and Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland, both Democrats. [More] Both traitors… Boy, Tess Owen of Vice really buys into their subversive crap, right down to calling Oath Keepers a “militia” and hyperventilating over the unarmed J6 protestors… Here’s the proposed … Continue reading “The Criminalizing Any Chance of Organizing Against Domestic and Foreign Tyranny Act”

Incompetent ‘Contagious Disease’ Diagnosis for Guns a Prescription for Tyranny

So, if someone else does it you can catch it? What’s the agent of transmission, and how does it enter the body? Can we vaccinate against it? [More] If what they say is true, shouldn’t we all be wearing face diapers or something?

Bleaters, Traitors, Oath-Breakers, and Tools for Tyranny

The bills prohibit anyone convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence offense from owning a firearm or ammunition for 8 years following the payment of all related fines and completion of incarceration or probation conditions. [More] But we can otherwise trust him without a custodian because we all know prohibited persons won’t be able to get … Continue reading “Bleaters, Traitors, Oath-Breakers, and Tools for Tyranny”

Willful Tyranny

He and many other dealers complain that ATF changed their definition of what constitutes a willful violation. The ATF now says that every gun dealer has been told to submit only proper paperwork, so any error – even clerical – constitutes a willful violation of ATF rules. [More] There is no new thing under the … Continue reading “Willful Tyranny”

Sensitive to Tyranny

Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and its partners in a federal lawsuit challenging New Jersey’s “sensitive places” statute have filed a response brief to the state’s appeal. The case is now known as Koons v. Platkin. [More] So “rights-free zones” weren’t part of the compact?

Plain and Simple, This is Naked, In-Your-Face Tyranny Designed to Terrorize Liberty Advocates

January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021. [More] Compare to: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial… Opposing a tyrannical regime that would do this is very different from being “anti-government.” That so many social media … Continue reading “Plain and Simple, This is Naked, In-Your-Face Tyranny Designed to Terrorize Liberty Advocates”

Tyranny, Damned Tyranny, and the Democrat Department of Justice

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and members of his antigovernment group will be the first Jan. 6 defendants sentenced for seditious conspiracy in a series of hearings beginning this week that will set the standard for more punishments of far-right extremists to follow. Prosecutors will urge the judge on Thursday to put Rhodes behind bars … Continue reading “Tyranny, Damned Tyranny, and the Democrat Department of Justice”

Homegrown Tyranny

U.S. Marshals in Houston, Texas, on Monday arrested True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and board member Gregg Phillips for contempt of court in a defamation case against them after they refused a federal judge’s order to release the name of a confidential source. [More] Before you read the whole thing, get this playing in … Continue reading “Homegrown Tyranny”

Let the Tyranny Continue!

New York’s new gun law will remain in effect for now after a federal appeals court on Wednesday agreed to temporarily reverse a lower court’s order blocking the law’s central provisions while a legal challenge by a gun-owners’ rights group proceeds. [More] The city knows it’s breaking the law. The court knows it’s breaking the … Continue reading “Let the Tyranny Continue!”

Gun and ‘Disinformation’ Control Show Tyranny is Growing

They don’t want you to have guns and they don’t want you to have free speech. Hey, if you can get away with ignoring the Second Amendment, why should you respect the First? [More] What’s more, a globalist collectivist tyrant from New Zealand is joined on her pathway to tyranny by what our media pass … Continue reading “Gun and ‘Disinformation’ Control Show Tyranny is Growing”

Operation Enthusiastic Tyranny

Now, we have learned that ATF is sending Warning Notices (included below) to individuals who have purchased FRT’s on GunBroker from the user “rifleremedy2000,” but it’s not clear how ATF has acquired purchaser records or whether ATF itself is operating the account. It appears that ATF’s contact with these purchasers is part of “Operation Reticent … Continue reading “Operation Enthusiastic Tyranny”

A Call for Naked Tyranny

Highland Park shooting: Harris calls on Congress to ban assault weapons, ‘end this horror’ of gun violence [More] That’s because she’s a tool and a traitor bent on aiding enemies foreign and domestic by  undermining “the security of a free State.” Biden admin sues Arizona over law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal … Continue reading “A Call for Naked Tyranny”

The Long March to Tyranny

[More] As Edwin Vieira Jr. noted in Kolbe v. Hogan: This reliance on a permanent private market for firearms guaranteed that most militiamen, through their own efforts, could always obtain firearms suitable for both collective and individual self-defense, and forestalled tyranny by precluding rogue public officials from monopolizing the production, distribution, and possession of firearms. … Continue reading “The Long March to Tyranny”

We’re the Only Ones Lighting Up Enough

The lapdog media is splitting hairs and saying it wasn’t over Covid, it was over his curfew. Talk about validating tyranny by deliberately missing the larger point. This is what every stupid Democrat voting to give this maniac more power will be voting for. And remember: Back the Blue! It’a not fair to judge them … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Lighting Up Enough”

Marxist-Raised Raskin Proposes Starting Civil War by Denying Trump Election Eligibility

While he’s the one bemoaning civil war if he succeeds in denying half the country its choice for president, he dismisses the Second Amendment being an ultimate check against tyranny as “a constitutional joke”. [More] Red Jamie says turn in your guns. And no, you don’t get to vote on it.

We Believe in the Second Amendment BUT…

Massachusetts House and Senate negotiators have released a compromise version of a sweeping gun bill that supporters say builds on the state’s existing gun laws, including a crackdown on difficult to trace “ghost guns,” while safeguarding the rights of gun owners. [More] If they’re going to start out with a lie, several here that I … Continue reading “We Believe in the Second Amendment BUT…”

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