Much Ado About What, Exactly…?

To be able to say a gun is destroyed, disposal companies crush or cut up a single piece that federal law classifies as a firearm: the receiver or frame that anchors the other components and contains the required serial number. The businesses can then sell the remaining parts as a kit: barrel, trigger, grip, slide, … Continue reading “Much Ado About What, Exactly…?”

Adventures in Baselessness

DOJ in Full-Blown Panic as Wisconsin Towns Thornapple and Lawrence Ditch Electronic Voting Machines in Favor of Hand Count — DOJ Threatens to File Lawsuit [More] So much for that “home rule” the antis are always bawling about when theyre not trying to impose infringements everywhere on everyone in Everytown… [Via bondmen]

‘Majority Rule’ an Effective Way to Tyrannize Minorities.

In this THINQ podcast episode, Dave Zanotti, CEO of The American Policy Roundtable, interviews political scientist and philosopher William B. Allen about this important nuance of our country’s governance. [Watch] This man’s wisdom is exactly what those who would be truly enfranchised need to understand and heed. He’s also the best equipped to refute Kamala … Continue reading “‘Majority Rule’ an Effective Way to Tyrannize Minorities.”

The Jet Violence Public Health Epidemic

Flesh the government using F-15s against the civilian population out for us. It’s telling that everyone at GunGrabber Central approved. And that they’re all looking the other way on Hunter being found guilty for making a mockery of their “universal background check” Holy Grail… [Via Lawrence P] And if you see something, say something. Related … Continue reading “The Jet Violence Public Health Epidemic”

Putting Hudson Schools on the MAP

Ohio Community Outraged After School District Allegedly Withholds Information on Student Accused of Raping 9-Year-Old — Suspect Still in Class, Playing Sports [More] That’s my town and that’s the high school feral sons Uday and Qusay graduated from. I wonder if the outrage will affect voter inclinations to approve school levies. Experience says “No.” Then … Continue reading “Putting Hudson Schools on the MAP”

The Devil’s Work

Texas mother sent text to ex-husband saying, ‘Say goodbye to your son’ before killing boy … A gun was also found at the crime scene, which Salazar said Kriger legally bought from a friend who had purchased the firearm from a sporting goods store. “It was a legal gun,” according to the sheriff. “It was … Continue reading “The Devil’s Work”

You’ve Had a Little Too Much to Think

Excessive free speech is a breeding ground for more Trumps [More] The totalitarian-promoting wanker says that like it’s bad thing. I’m sorry, I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but that is one creepy, fascist-looking motherf****r… [Via WiscoDave]

Smellinballs At It Again

I say this as a father and a human being, with deep empathy for the parents whose children have had their lives ended so suddenly and so senselessly: Show America the carnage. I am not being callous, and I know it will be painful to see. But, sad to say, I think it’s the only … Continue reading “Smellinballs At It Again”

Blind Pig Finds Acorn

Now, even Californians who have submitted to extensive background checks and participated in hours of training can’t legally carry their firearms without running afoul of the list of banned places — which, let’s be honest, are just about everywhere. [More] So…Kismet: How do you vote? And lest you think hell has frozen over and the … Continue reading “Blind Pig Finds Acorn”

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

According to witnesses, 39-year-old Larry Lawrence, who was a store employee, was in the process of placing groceries in the rear seat of a vehicle, where a dog was located. He then began to pet the dog. While occupied with the dog, a .22 rifle, also located in the rear seat of the vehicle, discharged … Continue reading “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”

Burying the Lede

Jackson said a customer approached the robber with a concealed weapon, and the rest of the diners took the opportunity to run outside. No shots were fired, she said. [More] So an armed citizen ensured that violence was averted? Why did we need to read down to the next-to-the-last paragraph to learn that? [Via Lawrence … Continue reading “Burying the Lede”


Cowardly DSM apparatchik Lawrence O’Donnell spreads the fear-mongering message that “Resistance is futile.” [Watch] The scenario he presents of armed teachers congregating in the hallway is hardly the only option, nor even a tactically sound or likely one. And his solution is apparently to have “Only Ones” afraid to face one guy with an AR-15 … Continue reading “MSNBorgC”

80% Deceivers

The 80% Coalition is non-partisan and is comprised of advocacy, business, education, faith-based, professional and service organizations committed to pushing back against hate and urging our legislators at the state and federal levels to pass commonsense gun violence prevention legislation. [More] I see a lot of “faith” organizations claiming tax-exempt status in there… [Via Lawrence … Continue reading “80% Deceivers”

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