It’s Not Like It Says ‘Shall Not Be Infringed’ or Anything…

Third Circuit Affirms Denial of Preliminary Injunction in NRA-ILA-Supported Challenge to Delaware’s ban on “assault weapons” and “large-capacity magazines.” [More] Here’s their weasel-wording to justify tyranny. Mark W. Smith navigates the fabricated complexities. [Via Jess]

Karma Alert? Another Bloomberg Mayor Could Become a ‘Prohibited Person’

One would think the daughter of Hmong refugees taken into this country would take the time to appreciate why freedoms recognized here make it different from the tyranny her family fled. [More] Funny, who doesn’t trust YOU with guns…

In the Year 2025, If Man is Still Alive

“Americans don’t understand just how far down the road to a dystopic, right-wing theocracy we are right now…” [More] Says the subversive bent on ushering in a dystopic Marxist tyranny… Who else remembers Zager & Evans…? How about “Mr. Smith Goes to Stalingrad“? [Via bondmen]

Not Reading the Room

“If I wasn’t a libertarian I am now,” he said… He pledged to put a libertarian in his cabinet if he wins the election… [More] As what? He realizes they demand open borders…? Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic … Continue reading “Not Reading the Room”

That’s Debatable

Contorting, lol. And I never said, or even suggested, any of that. The 3% just objectively proves you were wrong about A+ meaning you always have to be right–it doesn’t imply anything about subjective weights of infringements. [More] I’m moving the “debate” here because it’s bad form to hijack another man’s post with an argument, … Continue reading “That’s Debatable”

Flip or Flop

Flipping a gun for a price higher than one paid now may turn anyone into a dealer, making any such sale unlawful if it does not involve all the licensing and paperwork that govern gun dealers. [More] Brought to you by every Republican who joined with Democrats on Biden’s “bipartisan” tyranny. [Via bondmen]

Challenge to Illinois Assault Weapon Ban Includes Militia Considerations in Right to Arms

“If courts continue to operate under the misimpression that the right to keep and bear arms protects only neutered firearms like break-barrel shotguns and bolt-action hunting rifles, the Second Amendment will offer little but a parchment barrier against tyranny,” the GOA petition correctly observes. [More] It’s a necesary legal hurdle to clear if gun owners … Continue reading “Challenge to Illinois Assault Weapon Ban Includes Militia Considerations in Right to Arms”

Inclusiveness Writ Large

“These fifty laws identified by the Attorney General constitute a long, embarrassing, disgusting, insidious, reprehensible list of examples of government tyranny towards our own people,” Benitez wrote — and such “repugnant historical examples of prejudice and bigotry will not be used to justify the State’s current infringement on the constitutional rights of citizens.” [More] Yet … Continue reading “Inclusiveness Writ Large”

Infectious AND Antidemocratic!

Guns, in other words, are not just threats to public health; they are threats, as historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat writes, to the “strong civic culture and a public sphere conducive to social trust and altruism” that healthy democracies require. [More] He starts with a faulty premise and goes downhill from there. Aaron Zelman had a term … Continue reading “Infectious AND Antidemocratic!”

We’re the Only Ones Elsewhere Enough

In this alleged scheme, these officers make a DWI arrest, that person then hires this particular attorney, the officers don’t show up to court, and the case is dismissed. [More] But wait! There’s more! Who better to enforce Michelle Lujan Grisham’s citizen disarmament tyranny? [Via Jess]

Insult to Injury

“For the city to not only fail to protect…small businesses but on top of that give us an invoice for doing the work that they did seems fully irrational… It’s literally the definition of kicking someone when they’re down,” he said. [More] Would it be out of line to ask him how he votes? [Via bondmen]

Spoiler Alert

JP Morgan CEO Highlights the Simple Reason Why Scores of Americans Will Vote for Donald Trump [More] You’ll pardon me if I don’t place too much stock in soothing words from the head of JP Morgan… And before anyone gets too overconfident in Joe Biden’s utter incompetence, the deliberate border treason and DOJ tyranny, it … Continue reading “Spoiler Alert”

We’re the Only Ones Illegal Enough

The Los Angeles Police Department recently implored the federal government for permission to give guns to illegal aliens who are set to be awarded police powers to detain and arrest American citizens. [More] Who needs blue helmets? What kind of hellish tyranny employs illegal foreign nationals as a standing army against its own citizens, and … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Illegal Enough”

Democrats Offer Anti-Gun Insurrectionist in New York Special Election

And what’s worse is that while Suozzi showed he perfectly understands the ultimate last resort provision against tyranny behind the Second Amendment, he actively works to undermine it in his quest for power over the lives of his countrymen. [More] Suozzi’s idea of “gun violence prevention” is to disarm you and me and start an … Continue reading “Democrats Offer Anti-Gun Insurrectionist in New York Special Election”

On This We Can Agree

It is fully within our power to stop this epidemic. [More] Absolutely. Just not by doing anything this evil dotard’s handlers are lying to us about… Starting with, it’s not an “epidemic.” Wake me when the “school to grave pipeline” is plugged. [Via Antigone]

Gunkies in Need of a Fix

In defining what constitutes a public health emergency, the governor asserts that both gun violence and drug abuse “comfortably fall within” the category because of extremely dangerous conditions posed by weapons and toxic chemical agents posing an imminent threat to many New Mexico residents. The temporary orders don’t violate constitutional rights, she said. [More] That’s … Continue reading “Gunkies in Need of a Fix”

One Man’s Patriot…

250 Years After The Boston Tea Party, Americans Still Recognize Government Tyranny When They See It [More] Not all by a long shot. Democrats would be decrying them as seditious conspirators, insurrectionists, Nazis, and culture appropriating racists, and of course, the insult that shows how they really feel about their beloved LGBTQers, “teabaggers.” [Via bondmen]

They’ll Know It When They See It?

“We recognize that ‘good moral character’ is a spongy concept susceptible to abuse.” [More] Like the definition of “pornography“? Or “woman“? I wonder if a Second Amendment advocate who believes it is a bulwark against domestic tyranny could be disqualified… And if that would be sufficient to bring a libel suit…

A Tale Told by an Idiot, Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing

This week, I will put the Assault Weapons Ban on the Senate floor. [More] What, is this Democrats whoring for headlines week…? Question: Say the GOP blows ’24 or the election is stolen again, SCOTUS gets stacked, and this power pervert’s nocturnal emission comes true. Then say just 3% of us, and pray that’s all … Continue reading “A Tale Told by an Idiot, Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing”

The Stuff Red Flags are Made Of

Mayor Eric Adams has been accused of sexual assault in a legal action filed Wednesday night in a New York court, The Messenger has learned. The plaintiff in the case, a woman whose name is being withheld by The Messenger due to the nature of the allegation, filed a summons Wednesday night in state Supreme … Continue reading “The Stuff Red Flags are Made Of”

The Second Shot Heard Round the World

When the Modern Gun Control Movement Started [More] Dan Gifford resurrects a 2019 piece that recalls how recent history has led to where we are today. I remember where I was when Kennedy was killed. We were living in Tehran. Dad ran the brand-new B.F. Goodrich tire factory and we were getting ready to go … Continue reading “The Second Shot Heard Round the World”

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