Achtung, Mitglieder der Hausbesitzervereinigung

Our homeowners’ association is considering banning guns everywhere in the community, including in the residents’ homes. Many of the residents are upset about this, while others are in favor of it. Is the association even able to enact this rule? [More] Tyranny starts small, and always offers “justification.” I always wondered what ever happened to … Continue reading “Achtung, Mitglieder der Hausbesitzervereinigung”

All the Finest Tyrannies Do It

The federal government argued in a criminal case today that England’s disarming of Catholics provides historical support for modern laws disarming felons [More] The same tyranny that was met with gunfire when they tried disarmament here, which ultimately inspired the Second Amendment… Nothing like using bigotry to make your case… Can you imagine being Sean … Continue reading “All the Finest Tyrannies Do It”

Calling All Comment Posters

Brady’s Astroturf Campaign To Skew The Comments [Watch] Skew back. Here’s my comment: This proposed rule infrin ges on the Second Amendment. As Edwin Vieira Jr. noted in Kolbe v. Hogan: “This reliance on a permanent private market for firearms guaranteed that most militiamen, through their own efforts, could always obtain firearms suitable for both … Continue reading “Calling All Comment Posters”

A Moving Story

The Second Amendment Foundation and founder Alan Gottlieb have moved their civil rights lawsuit against Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson from federal court to Washington State court in a move the plaintiffs hope will bring a speedier resolution to their case. [More] That a lawsuit is even needed is all the evidence of in-your-face tyranny … Continue reading “A Moving Story”

Ulterior Motives

FIREARM MARKETING BANS REALLY ABOUT ERASING NEXT GENERATION’S GUN RIGHTS [More] Yeah, that’s a goal, but I’d say it’s really about banning speech to facilitate thought control. It’s about tyranny. That’s what NSSF doesn’t get when it thinks it can partner with monsters that won’t ultimately turn on them. [Via JR]

The American Taliban

Concord High School pulling ‘Minutemen’ mascot blasted as ‘insult’ to those who ‘sacrificed to defeat tyranny’ [More] Now that the Gadsden kid won, wretched public trough communist indoctrinators need a new way to control the past, so what better way than destroying statues? That’s the way the useful idiots in the Bay Area want it. … Continue reading “The American Taliban”

So Much for Coexistence

Senate Majority Leader @SenSchumer is negotiating with the NRA to pass his priority bill – the SAFE Act, a cannabis banking legislation – with Section 10 added as a sweetener for the NRA-backed Senate Republicans. We appreciate @SenJackReed working to modify the bill to ensure that regulators can warn banks about risky customers – like … Continue reading “So Much for Coexistence”

Never Forget

“Only following orders” — this is why the authoritarians are so determined to smear and destroy the concept of Oath Keepers and Three Percenters. Been a while since I’ve seen these clips. The thought strikes: Whatever became of excuse-making JBTs-by-their-actions Fred Bible and Chris Montgomery? The thought also strikes in all this time I’ve never … Continue reading “Never Forget”

We’re the Only Ones Forgetting Our Place Enough

Nine current or former Antioch and Pittsburg police officers and one community service officer were charged Thursday in a federal corruption investigation that found evidence they committed civil rights violations and fraud in an effort to get a pay raise and lied on reports to cover up use of excessive force, U.S. authorities said. [More] … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Forgetting Our Place Enough”

Conflict of Interest? What Conflict of Interest?

Elizabeth Rochford, the judge who pushed Illinois’ “assault weapon” ban over the top, is a demonstrably allied with and beholden to the gun-grabbers and did not recuse herself. [More] This is the real story, about in-your-face corrupt tyranny, deserving of screaming headlines. Instead, not a single “#real reporter” working for the DSM (Duranty/Streicher Media) is … Continue reading “Conflict of Interest? What Conflict of Interest?”

The Number One Issue

With all precincts reporting, and 58,000 absentee and provisional ballots outstanding, the measure was failing by a margin of 57.01% to 42.99%. [More] Down in flames. But it does show that a 60% threshold would have kept the tyranny of the majority at bay, at least for now. I felt this was going to lose … Continue reading “The Number One Issue”

Et Tu, Elon?

I haven’t been this enamored of “social media” since Facebook told me wishing readers a contemplative Bill of Rights Day violated community standards. Since the only reason I’m on “social media” (which I use as advocacy media) is to promote my work and support the work of others, I don’t solicit for “friends” or “followers” … Continue reading “Et Tu, Elon?”

And I’m Proud To Be an American Where At Least I Know I’m Free

U.S. Government Now Confiscating Private Legal Fund Donations to Jan. 6 Defendants [More] How is that not unmasked tyranny? And why are they evidently so confident that Americans are going to continue putting up with it? Oh, and good points about Trump. [Via Michael G]

That’s Why They Call Them ‘Totalitarians’

These 2 Democrat senators want to create a federal agency that regulates what you can say on the internet [More] Bennet and Welch, eh? And anyone expects traitors who don’t respect the Second Amendment to respect the First? It’s never about “commonsense gun safety” with embedded domestic enemies. It’s always about tyranny. [Via Michael G]

Let Them Eat Bugs

Kerry Says US Farm Confiscations Not Off the Table [More] Just not the farms that provide tomatoes to the feedhag he attached himself to… Remember another time farms were confiscated? Y’know, I rely on farmers for my family’s survival several times a day. I’m trying to remember the last time I relied on a treasonous … Continue reading “Let Them Eat Bugs”

No Questions Allowed

Mere months after the Uvalde school district suspended its entire police force for failing to effectively respond to a deadly shooting at an elementary school, school officials banned a concerned parent from school property — because he questioned the qualifications of a new police hire. [More] That’s tyranny, plain and simple. Here’s what the new … Continue reading “No Questions Allowed”

All Stirred Up and No Place to Go

The ATF jackboots have lost tens of thousands of guns, stolen millions of dollars, burned dozens of innocent women & children, shot the dogs, and exist as a tool to infringe on your rights. Put an end to their tyranny. Support the Abolish the ATF Act at [More] All true, but we first need … Continue reading “All Stirred Up and No Place to Go”

Unconditional Surrenders Only

NY Anti-Gun Attorney General Files Lawsuit Against Gun Accessory Manufacturer [More] Of course, it’s wrong. I’m just trying to work up sympathy for companies and citizens that try to comply with tyranny in the first damn place. I’m also wondering why, aside from a few notable individuals like Barrett and Hornady, the industry and its … Continue reading “Unconditional Surrenders Only”

They’re Just Not Making White Supremacists Like They Used To

Seriously? Mauricio Garcia? Light that gas! And surprise, surprise: His accounts appear to have since been taken down. The DSM is once more revealing itself to be puppets and parrots for those whose agenda demands demonizing non-leftist whites as the most violent danger threatening “our democracy,” and of course, gutting the Second Amendment. Is it … Continue reading “They’re Just Not Making White Supremacists Like They Used To”

Whatever We SAY It Is

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director Steve Dettelbach was unable to define the term “assault weapon” during his agency’s Tuesday budget request hearing before a House Appropriations subcommittee. [More] To channel Nancy, they have to pass the rule before they can tell you what it bans…? And people can go to prison … Continue reading “Whatever We SAY It Is”

‘No, No!’ Said the Queen. ‘Sentence First — Verdict Afterwards.’ 

But what are due process protections when it comes to the government’s intentional deprivation of a constitutionally protected right, or even a constitutionally protected “property” right, through ex parte proceedings? [More] Well, we could go with the stare decisis version and defer to past acts of judicial tyranny, or we could go with a historical … Continue reading “‘No, No!’ Said the Queen. ‘Sentence First — Verdict Afterwards.’ “

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