And Now for Something Completely Different

I’ll be leaving this afternoon for the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis. (Those who caution me not to make public announcements of absences, don’t worry. Elder feral son Uday will be coming over and I’m neither chaining him up nor feeding him.) If you’re going I hope to meet you, assuming you don’t want to … Continue reading “And Now for Something Completely Different”

Worthwhile to Whom?

Biofire: The First Worthwhile “Smart Gun”? [Watch] It doesn’t matter that the New Jersey law is now off the books. What can be taken off can be put back on. And it can take years of courtroom wranglings to unf*** things. I didn’t watch the rest because I don’t care. It’s a dumb idea for … Continue reading “Worthwhile to Whom?”

What Happens in Vegas

Three gun control bills were up for debate at the Nevada Legislature including one that raises the age to buy a semiautomatic weapon. [More] Look for Democrat/union/rope-selling capitalist/”Only Ones” cabal in Clark County to fund the votes to impose tyranny on the rest of the Silver State. And wait ’til you see who they’re plotting … Continue reading “What Happens in Vegas”

Easy Enough to Fix

McCaul: We Can’t Make Weapons Fast Enough ‘to Protect the United States or our Allies’ and Don’t Have Deterrence in Taiwan [More] Well, with Democrats doing their best to disarm those recognized by the Founders as “being necessary to the security of a free State,” you gotta wonder how much of the treason is intentional … Continue reading “Easy Enough to Fix”

The Real Conspirators

Illinois judge rules state’s gun ban and registry unconstitutional [More] That the people have to go to court because the government– where everyone involved swore an oath — is determined to violate the Constitution says much about the treasonous scoundrels in political power. It also explains why under tyranny, “seditious conspiracy” seems more like a … Continue reading “The Real Conspirators”

In Defense of Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein has been sentenced to 16 years, effectively ensuring the former Hollywood mogul and convicted rapist will spend the rest of his life behind bars. [More] Speaking of wishing he wasn’t alive… As much as my inner Nelson Muntz wants to point and laugh, there’s a bigger issue here that threatens all– an unproven … Continue reading “In Defense of Harvey Weinstein”

U.S. to Nicaragua: Hold Our Cerveza

Another U.S. official noted those freed had “spent years in prison, many of them for exercising their fundamental freedoms, in awful conditions and with no access to due process.” Does any of this sound eerily familiar? It is exactly like our J6 political prisoners. [More] Nothing improves on Third World tyranny like American know-how! [Via Henry … Continue reading “U.S. to Nicaragua: Hold Our Cerveza”

Punching Back

SAF FILES FEDERAL LAWSUIT AGAINST ILLINOIS GUN BAN [More] Look at all the legal actions, just for this group. You’d better believe part of the enemy’s legal strategy is to use their virtually unlimited tax plunder resources to deplete their victims’ resources. I’d really like to see a concerted effort by the “gun lobby” to … Continue reading “Punching Back”

Trust Me, He Knows

Who Wants to Tell California AG Bonta that Access to ‘Weapons of War’ as a Check Against Tyranny is a Core Tenet of the Second Amendment? [More] Why do you think he and his masters are so bent on destroying it? I just wish more 2A lawsuits would focus more on the Militia, and how … Continue reading “Trust Me, He Knows”

Fudds’ Turn in the Barrel

In fact, things are progressing so rapidly with our neighbor to the north that anti-gun politicians and their activist allies are now so emboldened they’re going after commonly-owned hunting rifles and shotguns despite repeatedly claiming that hunters had nothing to fear from their machinations. [More] But…but…but… Who knew “sporting purposes” worked in favor of tyranny? … Continue reading “Fudds’ Turn in the Barrel”

Murphy Floats Defunding Police Who Won’t Violate Second Amendment

What Murphy is doing is extorting law enforcement that refuses to waste resources enforcing edicts that clearly violate the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling, like the Oregon sheriffs who have gone on record as refusing to go after Measure 114 magazine ban defiers. And not just them, but also on non-Democrat-dominated political jurisdictions, as exemplified by … Continue reading “Murphy Floats Defunding Police Who Won’t Violate Second Amendment”

A Right Delayed

Redwood City approves temporary ordinance prohibiting gun shops [More] “Temporary” as it can go on for two years and then they’ll enact another one. So the majority can deny rights to minorities– just like the “good old days”? What did Dr. King say about “justice delayed”? Show me the prospective store owner with the resources … Continue reading “A Right Delayed”

A Marked Improvement

Republican Lori Chavez-DeRemer has won the open U.S. House seat in Oregon’s 5th Congressional District, flipping the district for the GOP in a hard-fought contest that drew millions in outside money to the state. Chavez-DeRemer’s victory makes her the first Latina congresswoman from Oregon, a distinction also sought by 6th District Democratic candidate Andrea Salinas. … Continue reading “A Marked Improvement”

Taking Stock

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday turned away another challenge to a federal ban imposed under former President Donald Trump on devices called “bump stocks” that enable a semi-automatic weapon to fire like a machine gun. The justices declined to review an appeal by a group of firearms dealers and individuals in Minnesota, Texas and … Continue reading “Taking Stock”

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

And after engaging with this Nation’s tradition of firearm regulations several times already, the Court’s unanswered question is whether Bruen demands lower courts manicure the Second Amendment’s landscape by scalpel or chainsaw….As a result, the Court holds that § 922(g)(8) is unconstitutional under Bruen’s framework. It is therefore ORDERED that Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Indictment … Continue reading “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”

Spider & the Fly

Bridge Man Protest Heard Around the World Nazism and Communism: Two Forms of Full Socialism China using real estate firms as cover for espionage and subversion in the U.S. Hurricane Ian exposes Cuba’s incompetent socialist regime Socialist South Africa one step closer to seizing farms without compensation And lots more exposure of collectivist tyranny around … Continue reading “Spider & the Fly”

A Nation of Lawlessness

Mayor Eric Adams signed legislation Tuesday establishing how the city will make Times Square a gun-free zone even as the state law underpinning the policy was overturned in federal court. [More] Just to be clear: They will prosecute you for not complying with their illegal edict. And if you resist, they will kill you. This … Continue reading “A Nation of Lawlessness”

Bumped Off

CERTIORARI DENIED 21-159 APOSHIAN, W. C. V. GARLAND, ATT’Y GEN., ET AL. [More] All the Supreme Court has to do to let tyranny stand is…nothing. I’m wondering if anyone will revisit this in light of Bruen, but then again, the court has pretty much told us they’re not going to touch it. Some of us … Continue reading “Bumped Off”

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