
“I told her we prefer ‘gun enthusiast,’” Nagel said. “She said she prefers ‘gun nuts,’ and she works for the ATF?” Scott found nothing in the shop’s books other than a few minor clerical errors. There were no missing firearms or other significant problems. “She said she was going to put us in for revocation, … Continue reading “#PamelaScott”

Spider & the Fly

Free Tibet! (Part 1) [More] The Anticommunism Action Team shows what is happening right now to people who are powerless to resist tyranny. Never give up your guns. Any American who demands his countrymen give up theirs is either a criminally negligent incompetent at citizenship or an evil domestic enemy who knows exactly the kind … Continue reading “Spider & the Fly”

Michael Moore’s Proposed 2nd Amendment Repeal: As Impossible As It Is Evil

Make no mistake: His totalitarian position, and that’s exactly what it is, is “Surrender and obey or be destroyed.” His sick ego invites civil war and untold deaths unless his demands are met. [More] As long as it’s somebody else taking the risks of enforcing the tyranny he demands…

Alternatively, Stop Helping Information Controllers Create Manipulative Narratives

Stop Making Killers Famous [More] Agreed. Make the @$$holes notorious instead by exposing their collectivist natures. After all, no monster who does this can possibly believe in due process and equal protection, which automatically makes them enemies of freedom advocates (even though the collectivists will throw out terms like “right-wing” to conflate them with traditional … Continue reading “Alternatively, Stop Helping Information Controllers Create Manipulative Narratives”

What Can Brown Do to You?

UPS issues new rules for shipping firearm parts – serial numbers now required – UPS demanding compliance with new federal rule that’s not in effect. [More] Democrat Senators extorting compliance not with laws, not with rules, but with their wishes, is naked, in-your-face tyranny. Not standing up to that is naked, in-your-face cowardice, that is, … Continue reading “What Can Brown Do to You?”

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Libertarian Party of California Demands California Attorney General Held Accountable for Gun Owner’s Data Breach [More] Good luck with that in an irreversibly Democrat state, turned that way over the last 30 years by the very thing you guys advocate: 3.4 Free Trade and Migration We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. … Continue reading “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back”

None Dare Call It Treason

California’s New Gun Control Law Designed To Bankrupt The Gun Industry [Watch] Colion Noir expands on the latest Golden State gun and speech grab. The ambitious Newsom can get away with that with an industry basically comprised of rope-welling capitalists. And as Edwin Vieira Jr. noted in Kolbe v. Hogan: This reliance on a permanent … Continue reading “None Dare Call It Treason”

I Know You Are But What Am I?

Like other analysts who study democracy, he views the Trump faction that now dominates the Republican Party—what he terms the “MAGA movement”—as the U.S. equivalent to the authoritarian parties in places such as Hungary and Venezuela. It is a multipronged, fundamentally antidemocratic movement… [More] Talk about projection writ large. It’s not us trying to ban … Continue reading “I Know You Are But What Am I?”

Affairs of State

One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards to Defend the Constitution and Fight Back Against the Deep State [More] Yeah, about that: Speaking of free states, while the power to raise armies is the purview of the Congress, state defense forces were established by some (17 plus Puerto Rico), but not all states, to … Continue reading “Affairs of State”

We’re the Only Ones Unchallengeable Enough

The explicit part of that puzzle came two weeks back when the high court ruled that a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer—who allegedly assaulted the owner of a bed and breakfast and then sent the IRS after him for lodging a complaint—cannot be sued for violating the First and Fourth Amendments. This overturned a … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Unchallengeable Enough”

Who Will Judge the Judge?

TYRANNY: Michigan GOP Candidate for Governor, Ryan Kelley, Has Guns Taken by Judge for Standing Outside the Capitol on Jan 6 [More] And the compelling state interest to show he is a violent danger risk to himself and others is…? If you’re willing to eviscerate the Second Amendment, there’s nothing to stop you from eviscerating … Continue reading “Who Will Judge the Judge?”

We’re Off to See the Wizard

McCormick concedes to Oz in Pennsylvania GOP Senate primary [More] With racist anti-you-being-armed gun abuser Fetterman carrying the Team Tyranny standard, I don’t see where gun owners are left with much of a political choice — but will predict that when Oz assumes the mantle, we’ll finally see for ourselves the man behind the curtain. … Continue reading “We’re Off to See the Wizard”

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