The 666 Club

Via WarOnGuns Correspondent Mack H, who writes:

The video below is from today’s 700 Club. It seems the host, Gordon Robertson, is all-in for gun control. He discusses how Audrey Hale was under medical care, so this is why we need red flag laws. His commentary after the news report begins at 3:30 and goes to 5:00. Many Christians who watch the 700 club follow his lead. Does this concern you? [Watch]

Of course, it does. But it’s not like we haven’t come to expect it.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The 666 Club”

  1. They will find a way to suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They will do as they please without regard for the law. Anyone who turns over the tools of self defense deserves what they get. I suspect many if not most will not comply. Some will be content to be raided and will go down swinging. Others will take a more Israeli course. There will be tactical genius displayed by a few that will go down in lore along with the great partisan fighters of history. When all is said and done, there will no longer be a United States or Federal government to lord over the land, but this land will we awash in arms.

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