Ebony and Ivory

California Goes Full Segregationist With Alert System Just for Missing Black Children [More]

Talk about systemic racism.

Now they need the law to require carriers not to allow customers to opt out of those alerts, and destroy anyone who tries as a racist.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Ebony and Ivory”

  1. Someone posted an interesting analysis:

    “The law circumvents this ‘loophole’ by creating a system without the runaway exclusion found in the AMBER Alert system.”

    Oh, so it’s a slave catcher law! It discriminates against black runaways by assigning state officers to hunt them down, while white runaways go free. I understand now. This must be a MAGA Republican bill, enacted by those slavering white supremacists from the deep south where they’re all yokels, right?

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