Just Spitballin’ Here…

Why Western Women Are Converting to Islam – Since October 7, young Americans have been professing their devotion to the Quran in ‘the ultimate rebellion against the West.’ [More]

Because they’re ugly, bipolar losers of low intelligence who can’t attract a real man and who no one will miss, and this is just one of the ways they achieve the opposite of what they say they want and end up as somebody’s b!+ch…?

And if it wasn’t this they’d be BLM/Antifa communist lesbians…?

All fine and good and no loss to anyone who matters until they start aiding and abetting…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Just Spitballin’ Here…”

  1. Sometimes I wonder who is more self-destructive — the proggies who want to destroy their own descendants and cohabit with enemies who will possess them as chattel… or the conservatives dedicated to preventing them from doing it.

    1. Hey, I’m all for them doing it, as long as they do it someplace their possessors already control.

      If they want to live that life, they can go where that life is the norm. They DO NOT get to mandate that life become the norm here.

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