Great Expectations

In a long Twitter thread on Thursday, a Marquette University assistant professor of journalism suggested young reporters may fabricate stories because newspaper journalism standards are too high and because minority reporters might feel racism on the job. [More]

So it’s OK for minorities to be corrupt and incompetent in whatever job they undertake because “white supremacy”…? Matter of fact, that calls for hiring and promotion preferences!

No racism there.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Great Expectations”

  1. Set the standards low enough that everyone who applies will qualify. Then declare them all “basically qualified for the position.”

    Its called “Affirmative Action” and has been imbedded in federal law since at least August of 1971.

    I can vouch for that date because that’s when, during new hire orientation, my new employer’s HR folks said “You White guys can just forget about promotion. You’re not going anywhere.”

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