Adventures in Baselessness

Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to 26 Counts of Voter Fraud in ‘Vote-Harvesting’ Operation [More]


[Via Jess]

But that’s just one Texa… uh…

Texas GOP rejects 2020 election and contends Biden was ‘not legitimately elected’

At what point does this go beyond the discussion phase?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Adventures in Baselessness”

  1. RPT should have just passed a resolution condemning the electoral shenanigans.

    The RPT ‘platform’ is little more than a sop to party activists who want to address everything imaginable.

    A proper platform would address policy in about, hmm, 3 pages.

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