SEO Irregular

While looking for a link to my Points question, I noticed something again today I’ve been meaning to mention for a while: Type in “Sipsey Street Irregulars” on Google and the first link that comes up goes to an SPLC post about it closing down after Mike’s death.

That means either algorithm ranking results have been manipulated to make one post outweigh Mike’s life work, or the majority of Mike’s readers didn’t regularly help him promote his work by sharing links. Noting how many of his thousands of readers didn’t step up when asked to, I’d be hard pressed to pick a reason.

Noting the importance of that work — and the way it’s now being misapplied exactly as he warned against — either reason, censorship from without or apathy from within, is one hell of a demotivator.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “SEO Irregular”

  1. I miss the Dutchman. A man who absolutely didn’t give a fuck what you thought of him. Still my inspiration.

    1. He sure didn’t suffer fools gladly and could be so damned irascible while knowledgeable and smart, I’m just amazed he never once lit into me for being obtuse — because there was more than one time I didn’t feel qualified and informed enough to keep up. I miss him too, and refer to him and link to his stuff all the time, hoping people who follow it to his post will feel compelled to stay a while, look around, and share their discovery with friends.

      1. Those who are aware are forever indebted to you and Mike for exposing Fast and Furious and keeping it alive. I am still convinced that we would have had massive federal gun control pass in Obama’s second term if not for the work you two did.

        I would lean toward Google altering the results to favor the anti-white SPLC. People not involved in the gun rights movement in those days don’t know just how close we came to a massive gun ban in early 2013. Fast and Furious being exposed allowed for the pro gun people to go on the counter attack during debates in person and online. It also showed how the word of the gun banners could not be trusted, as people like Holder regularly lied under oath about it.

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