Unclear on the Concept

Employee shoots, kills suspect who was robbing SW Houston gun store – Houston police said the suspect entered Carter’s Country with a ‘bladed object’ and went straight to the cash register and started taking money. [More]

Now it goes to a grand jury? They can’t just give the guy a plaque?

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Unclear on the Concept”

  1. This one is an outlier in a couple of respects.

    Yeah, the employee was armed but that’s kinda like saying he was wearing clothes. It was a gun shop in Texas after all.

    What stuck out was:

    1: The employee hit the robber.
    2: The robber died as a result

    That saves the Texas taxpayers and provides a lesson to others.

    1: A life of crime can have worse consequences than getting arrested and released.
    2: Hits count. Having a gun when you need one is good. Being able to hit what you’re shooting at is better.

  2. In a lot of jurisdictions a homicide automatically goes to the grand jury, and it is not a matter of discretion.

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