Epic Fail

Over 12,000 grades changed from failing to passing in Baltimore high schools according to fraud investigation [More]

The failure in urban America is wholly on the part of Democrat administrators and teachers’ unions.

The media will amplify the anecdote about the devoted teacher buying supplies out of her own pocket because of inadequate funding, but that’s a lie for the gullible.

Like all government boondoggles, the money that isn’t divvied up among corrupt cronies is wasted on crap that not only doesn’t work but can’t. Yet even the ones who can’t read at a second-grade level after “graduation” will come out of it with seething resentment against the “systemic racism” on which all their problems can be blamed.

This is what happens when the government is in charge and the people are dependent.

And that’s the plan.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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