3 thoughts on “There Oughta Be a Law”

  1. I don’t know who the bright light was that decided on that approach.
    Whoever it was should be fired.
    Maybe even held criminally responsible.

  2. “We’ve got to recognize it’s not normal to kill four police officers and wound four others,” said Willie Rachford, longtime director of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Department. “We’ve become literally numb to it.”

    That paragraph displays a perception of attitudes that simply do not exist in well over 99% of America’s neighborhoods.

    Bottom line, very few Americans have ever been or ever will be cop killers. Mr. Rachford has been hanging around with the wrong folks.

    1. Mr. Fachford was NOT given the enefit of more incarceration and follow up supervision. these “justice” clowns seem to think six months in the pojkey will “cure” a bad guy. What follow on was provided? Wha post-incarceration counselling, help, training, was given? My guess: about that much.

      Clear FACT.. the guy’s possession of any firearms was illegal on its face. Cinvicted felon, gun rights gone. Yet he was armed….
      any word on a trace of those guns? Is that crickets I don’t hear?

      I’m admittedly not an expert on tactics for such a situation, but it just doesn’t seem very smart to show up with the warrant, get shot at, then go full Rambo at the scene. Cordon the area, set snipers at ore distance, well concealed, and wait. Soner or later the gy will get curious or antsy and show his head. then ventilate it. With unlimited backup, the team can wait it out. The one nervous half cray bad guy WILL sooner or later make a dumb move and lose the game.
      But the Rambo atitude of these Marshalls s what gets their guys killed. Patience IS a virtue. Use it.

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