Fighting Like Democrats

This Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting on May 1st started out “normal” (whatever that is here in Happy Valley) but when the subject of an upcoming BOCC Election Integrity Forum came up at the end, some of our left leaning locals went full victim outrage Stage 10 Soy Boy trying to suppress free speech as they didn’t agree with the meeting’s subject. (Just like the libs do on our college campuses around the country.) [More]

The Sangre de Cristo Sentinel continues tobe the unyielding watchdog a free press was meant to be.

How many hometown papers can say that? Can yours?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Fighting Like Democrats”

  1. For years my folks had to have a place in Buena Vista. The Sangre de Cristo mountains were to the south. We loved the flora and fauna but our love was tarnished by the leftists moving in in droves. So now our only association is as an annual subscriber to the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel!

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