The Siege

SJP chapters organize to ‘surround the White House’ after Hamas, other terror orgs call on students to ‘beseige’ Biden’s residence [More]

If they were protesting the Trump verdicts, they’d be prosecuted as insurrectionists and seditious conspirators.

I wonder how many rigorously admitted foreign nationals will be taking part in the siege?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “The Siege”

  1. Mr. Codrea,
    This comment is in response to your column in the June 2024 Firearms News.
    In the article dissecting the wording of the Second Amendment the breakdown that allowed for a prefatory and an operative clause is based on where the comma is placed. A long time ago – I’ll be 80 next year – it was pointed out to me that the Second Amendment had no punctuation in it. Meant to be read and understood as a single thought. A statement if you will.
    Of course, I haven’t that copy any more. My current Pocket Declaration and Constitution has 3 commas in it’s Second Amendment.
    If this can be shown to be the case it would be a great help. I’m sending this to you as it is beyond my means to ferret out the answer to this.

    1. I’m going to answer this, but not here because I keep comments on topic.

      I started to address it in a blog post, but it got long enough to where I’m going to turn it into an AmmoLand article. Stay tuned for an announcement on this site in a few days.

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