‘King of the Enfield Sniper Rifles’ Combines Superb Photos with Detailed History

Whether you appreciate firearms for reasons of technical interest, design, performance, or historical knowledge, or all of the above, L42A1: King of the Enfield Sniper Rifles hits all targets… [More]

Every once in a while I like to take a break from screaming at cars over politics and just have fun with a good old-fashioned weapon of war.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “‘King of the Enfield Sniper Rifles’ Combines Superb Photos with Detailed History”

  1. I once briefly has custody of one, with the oft missing scope, all of the paperwork, and accessories, in the crate as it would have been (and was) shipped to Her Majesty’s forces in a war zone.

    It would seem that some “bloody yank” swapped a case of Glenlivet Scots whiskey for it during an unpleasantness in the Falklands. When said “bloody yank” needed cash, a Philistine of a gun dealer offered the bloody yank’s father $75.00 for it because it was “just an old Enfield.” At which point “someone” threw a hissy fit, convinced said father to ship the damn thing off to Brophy Fine Firearms Auctions where it brought $750.00.

    And they all lived happily ever after. including the “bloody Brits” who got the case of Scots whiskey.

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