Chech and Balances

UPDATE: The Story of a Chechen Shot by a Special Ops Colonel Is Getting Weirder [More]

Sorry, I’m still not convinced it was a good shoot as opposed to “Only Ones” favoritism. Would I have had justification to use lethal force here, or would I be facing charges? Just not enough is known to pick up this banner and start waving it.

As for how the dead man’s family would know stuff that hasn’t been reported yet, I assume they have a lawyer and access to autopsy results and police communications not made public.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Chech and Balances”

  1. The stuff the family is saying might not be actually true. Remember how Trayvon Martin’s family lied about several important things prior to the actual trial? Remember how the picture they released was him as a cherubic 12 year old in a football uniform instead of him as a tall young man in a hoodie?

    I’m not saying the stuff they are claiming isn’t true, I’m just saying we should be skeptical until the actual facts come out.

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