Cost/Benefit Tradeoff

Trump heads to unlikely deep blue state to raise major campaign cash – Trump to headline sold-out fundraiser Thursday evening in heavily blue San Francisco hosted by top tech industry investors [More]

How are they on 2A and cheap labor pathways to citizenship?

Who is more likely to have his ear?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Cost/Benefit Tradeoff”

  1. DJT was elected to go to Washington to kick a$$ and take names. In his time as POTUS, he learned a few things about Marquis of Queensbury rules in a knife fight.

    Now he’s taking his lessons learned into places no Republican since Ronald Reagan has dared to go.

    I’m loving every bit of it.

    Could you pass that bowl of Orvil Redenbacher, please?

  2. Just like the last time, his Mossad son-in-law made sure Trump did whatever the millionaire and billionaire classes wanted with immigration. If anything, it will be even worse this time.

    Nimrata or Tim Scott or some other insane Israel Firster neo-con will be the VP.

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