¿Cómo se Dice ‘Slippin’ Jimmy’ en Español?

Migrants are brazenly jumping in front of moving cars in Brooklyn in a bid to get hit and squeeze cash out of frightened drivers. [More]

Doing the scams Americans won’t do?

I don’t imagine public floggings followed by immediate deportation are on any legislative agendas?

Then again, New York City…

Who cares?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “¿Cómo se Dice ‘Slippin’ Jimmy’ en Español?”

  1. Dash cams are becoming a mandatory item for drivers in order to thwart fraud. Just like Russia…we are rapidly devolving into a third world country.

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