The Content of Her Character

Glamorous Atlanta prosecutor is jailed for stealing $15m of Covid funds and using the cash to buy diamond rings and a Rolls Royce [More]

Funny… you see anything in there about her being a Democrat…?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “The Content of Her Character”

  1. Nada re political tribe affiliation, and unless I missed it, nada re restitution.

    1. Not going back to confirm, but I remember seeing a cmapaign poster I think was hers, and there was the D label in the lower right nahd corner. Could be for somene else, though…

      So WHERE is that Rolls? WHERE is that diamond? Part of her sentence SHOULD have included providing information as to where the rest of the Mn$14 went. SHe didn;t stand on street corners tossug Benjamins at whoever walked by. (In Atlanta she’d have been mugged for the rest of the pile)

      Funny, those “certain people”……

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