4 thoughts on “A Revolutionary Idea”

  1. A politically safe notion because it could never happen. Greedy bureaucrats and politicians will never give up extorting income tax. They are ADDICTED to it.

  2. People who don’t know their history might be shocked to find out that our Republic survived well into the 20th century without a federal income tax. For those who don’t know much math either, that’s well over a hundred years and FedGov not only got along fine, they ran surpluses most peace time years and managed to pay off the occasional war debts shortly after peace resumed.

    I suspect that that ignorance and the mistaken beliefs it enables is one of the reason why we don’t require American History in our schools any more.

    That racist math stuff is probably on borrowed time as well.

  3. So basically what he’s saying is that he’s reneging on us manufacturing products in the Us.

    1. Either that or incentivizing a resumption of raw materials and components production, so yeah, it would need to be fleshed out.

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