Walking Down the Aisle to Citizenship

The Biden Administration is reportedly planning to announce a new amnesty plan that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain legal status if they are married to U.S. citizens. [More]

Good thing this has absolutely nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Walking Down the Aisle to Citizenship”

  1. I axtully support, and have for decades, a pathway wehereby anyone married to an American citizen is granted permanent resident status, with a few caveats

    First, the putative spouse must be throughly vetted, both for his time here, if any, and in his home country.

    Second, a sunset clause is necessary: if the marriage dissolves for any reason within the first five, or perhaps seven, years, the residence status is revoked, except in cases of the death of the citizen spouse when there are minor children born of the couple.

    Third, the couple MUS be living together as husband and wife. “remote marriage” is not marriage, its a funny name for a green card.

    Fourth, in the event the resident alien us convicted of a VIOLENT felony (not a process crimes) resident status can be revoked, to be determined as part of the sentencing phase of the legal process.
    Fifth, the couple may NOT seekpublic assistance during the first e=seven years of their marriage, they must be self-supporting not leeches on holiday on the public nickel.

    I have known Americans to marry a foreign national, either who is visiting here or when the Yank was visiting there, and, even though married, they tried sometimes fir years to gain residence status for the alien spouse. The Yanks in those cases gave up and moved to the foreign spouse’s country.

    After admitting tens of millions of unknown and unvetted alien invaders here it makes no sense to erect such an impossibly high bar to bringing in a genuinely married foreign national to live here as a normal married couple.

    Of course, Biden’s plan almost certainly includes a lot of pathways that WILL lead to trouble when thousands of unvetted foreign invaders form a paper marriage of convenience” to “allow’ the invader to remain here indefinitely.

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