As the Coat Turns

Trump says he wants foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges to ‘automatically’ receive green cards [More]

Here we go pandering to the cheap labor Republicans like the Grover Norquist/Michael Bloomberg partnership.

And, of course, once here, they’ll stay, apply for citizenship, marry citizens, have birthright babies and all vote pro-gun Republican, right?


And don’t forget the cheap foreign farm labor!

Tell me again how his banning bump stocks was brilliant 3D chess.

And about judges

Once more the election is his to blow, and it looks like he’s doing a bang-up job of it. Or maybe I’m just not smart enough to recognize this latest gambit that will all be revealed in time…

I don’t frequent forums but my attention has been called to this post on

It brings to mind a recent Firearms News piece where I worry that unless advocates have his ear to impress on him the seriousness of our concerns, he’s going to keep saying and doing stupid and destructive $h!+ that betrays his base and takes all the wind out of their sails.

So I’d rather have Biden?

Is that even the right question to be asking at this point?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “As the Coat Turns”

  1. Great post. This is our only option at this point, so we have to raise enough hell to hope that this is not repeated. Trump is the GOP version of Bill Clinton, and will tell any audience what it wants to hear to win.

    Judge Nap has mentioned on his stream that he had many conversations with Trump during his term in office. He once asked Trump what he thought about something, and Trump said that it was the job of his people to tell him what to think. Col Macgregor has also mentioned how easily Trump’s people subverted Trump on foreign policy by simply lying to him.

    That is why Trump is so easy to manipulate. It sucks. He is no Ron Paul or Massie who we can trust with gun rights or anything else, but having to work to keep him in line is still better than Dementia Joe.

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