2 thoughts on “Three from SAF”

  1. Shall we list the bow-tied b*****’s convicted felon status (convicted of fraud no less) and his treachery toward us freedom lovers? Manchin Toomey ring a bell anyone?????

    1. Manchin-Toomey does indeed ring a bell, and I’ve had my share of publicly-aired differences with Alan. Big ones. We can hold those against him in perpetuity or we can find areas where his work, particularly in support of court cases, benefits us, and be appreciative when appropriate. We can look at what he has done to advance the Second Amendment and we can look at what his harshest critics, you, for instance, have done. If we tally up the two + columns and compare, what will we conclude?

      And yes, I know people who hate and don’t trust him and will never be convinced otherwise. Having seen him firsthand behind the scenes, while we’ll always have our differences, I can’t be one of them. Dismiss that defense as me being compromised if you like, but the man I’ve interacted with has been sincere in his beliefs even when I think he’s wrong.

      Y’know, I wasn’t going to say anything, but I just couldn’t let that stand without making some counterpoints. I would hope, even if they don’t like some things about me, that some gun owners would do the same for me if they see posts calling my character and motives into question.

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