A Foolish Consistency

The Supreme Court refused to hear any Second Amendment cases as of now. So, why did they do this and what is the future of 2A Supreme Court litigations. Mark Smith Four Boxes Diner explains. [Watch]

Paint it how you like, but when policies and procedures override the reasons articulated in the Preamble for having them, something’s broken. You know it’s “shall not be infringed,” they know it’s “shall not be infringed,” and the traitors know it’s “shall not be infringed.”

We weren’t made to be ruled by hobgoblins, robed or otherwise.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “A Foolish Consistency”

  1. “We weren’t made to be ruled by hobgoblins, robed or otherwise.”

    Nope! We were made to rule ourselves. And for the most part, we did a pretty good job of it. But then people started “outsourcing” the whole self control thing to the government.

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