2 thoughts on “Truer Words”

  1. He may have been ranting but he’s not wrong. There are quite a few people in America who need to no longer exist. They have proven repeatedly that they are evil and there existence is detrimental to the well being of America and Americans. Many leftists believe this and want many normal Americans to be eradicated. Violence is a tool the left is more than willing to use. If we refuse to accept violence as a means of political change we are doomed. Remember….violence is golden. It’s the ultimate arbiter of everything.

  2. The only way to stop psychopaths is to remove them from the gene pool. I hope Robinson wins in NC just to see the reaction online from the leftists in the state. He is the only politician I have seen recently who seems to drive the NPR crowd crazier than Trump.

    He says a lot of funny stuff like Trump, but he is far more trustworthy and seems to actually believe what he says. That makes Robinson a lot more dangerous than Trump to the left. They know Trump says a lot of nonsense to appease whatever crowd he is with at the moment.

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