One thought on “A Snitch in Time”

  1. Given the spiteful and aggressive examples in oher poliicians of late, it is only surprising that this sort of thing is not far more common.

    Good job on the O’Fallon coppers. They dug, and got to the bottom of it. Could have justlet the courts handle it.

    God’s Word declares that we are NOT to “bear false witness against another”. Th clear punishmentt for such action is for the false accuser to suffer the same fate/pnishment the falsely accused would suffer were the lies truth. In other words, this snarky nasty creature that falsely accused him should find herself serving out the time her accused would be serving were her words true. Until TTHIS standard is made a true standard, such lies and manipulation will continue unabated.
    This is the ONLY measure of justice for her lying tingue and heart. Let her become an example for otehrs that might think “this is fun….”

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