Producing Tomorrow’s P*ssies Today

Teen gun violence in Texas has seen a rise over the last few years, but there are groups fighting back. Campers at the Swim to Code camp spent the summer learning how to swim and code on computers, but they also learned about gun violence. [More]

I remember when I was a kid my parents went me to camp one summer, and we got to shoot single-shot .22 rifles.

[Via JG]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Producing Tomorrow’s P*ssies Today”

  1. My father and I were in Indian Guides in my single digits and early doubles. .22 caliber shooting single shots on the line prone was my favorite activity at summer camps. BTW Dad was Big Beaver and yes, I was Little Beaver!

  2. At age 11, my Boy Scout troop took us on a field trip to Trail Glades Range. While there we learned on probably those same model singe shot .22 rifles that IIRC were “loaners” from the CMP.

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