I’m Late, I’m Late…

Had to go in for some medical tests regarding my upcoming transgen… uh, something else. I’m fine, we just all need to haul the old carcass into the shop once in a while for a tuneup and alignment, particularly after several hours of physical exertion the other day, when I was reminded that I could do a hell of a lot more back when I was young and immortal.

Anyway, I’m off to a late start today and see the inbox is once more bursting at the seams. I’ll get to what I can, but also have an article I need to write, so patience, please, and understanding if I just can’t get to some…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “I’m Late, I’m Late…”

  1. OTOH, I’ve been effectively blind since last October due to cataracts. The day when I found myself in my truck happily cruising down the sidewalk was a game changer. Couldn’t do computer, smart phone, or printed media. So I couldn’t contribute much to the flow into your inbox.

    But now I have had both eyes sorta mostly fixed. There is no way to predict just how much trouble I can cause.

    Buckle up!

    “Old age is no place for sissies!” — Bette Davis

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