The ‘Draw and Quarter a Baby for Jesus’ Crowd Has Spoken

Evangelicals For Harris Use ‘False Prophet ‘ Bible Passage in Provocative New Ad Against Trump [More]

You gotta admit, they know a thing or two about false prophets…

I wonder if they’ll be staffing the trucks… or at least perfornming rituals…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The ‘Draw and Quarter a Baby for Jesus’ Crowd Has Spoken”

  1. Aside from twisting and re-imagining the 1 John part, these clowns forget (ignore?) that Jesus very olainly COMMANDED this:

    “suffer (that means let, allow, do not hinder) the little children to come unto Me” Someone please remind them that dead babies cannot “come unto” anyone.

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