Adventures in Baselessness

Nothing to see here! Look away! Yeah, it’s just election officials all across the country sounding the warning alarm about problems with the USPS that could interfere with our elections. But don’t you dare say that the election isn’t the most secure ever! [More]

Yeah, except the Post Office is saying it “disenfranchises,” setting the stage for Democrats to say the election was stolen..

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Adventures in Baselessness”

  1. We don’t know for sure if either party has ever “stolen” an election. That is, injected sufficient fraudulent votes into the system that the results are altered. But we do know for sure that they tried.

    And that isn’t even counting the effects of lying and cheating during the campaign in order to get the electorate to flip their own votes in order to achieve the same results: that of winning an elections based on other than convincing voters in the marketplace of ideas. The infamous “Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell” story is only the latest example. The use of “push polling”, using contacts by supposed pollsters to inject a message into the minds of potential voters is another.

    That having been said, claiming that an election was stolen because the results didn’t match up with what a party expected, what the pollsters predicted, or heaven forbid, what the party wanted, is a crutch that does as much harm to the claimant as it does to anybody else.

    It’s self delusion that hinders or outright prevents a party from looking closely at why the electorate wasn’t following happily along on the party’s planned march into the future, despite all the hype and glitz of the latest slick campaign adds. It must be because someone, somewhere, somehow, is preventing their message from getting to the voters.

    It can’t possibly be because the voters got their message loud and clear and decided it sucked.

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