A Numbers Game

We have breaking news. We now know the firearm, according to reports, that was used by the anti-Trump guy who tried to assassinate President Trump on Sunday, that apparently the serial number has been obliterated or partially obliterated. Now this is a big deal because it’s going to play a role in the October 8th oral argument in the Vanderstok case before the US Supreme Court, so let’s connect some dots. [Watch]

If he was a prohibited person, a serial number wouldn’t trace to him anyway.

Don’t expect the Democrat DOJ, politicians, and DSM to acknowledge that when they have an opportunity to spook the herd and guin up hysteria.

He also make a good point about including such information on 4473s that the BIDS system exposes. The antis lie about why they want “background checks,” too.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “A Numbers Game”

  1. Suppising the gun DID have a valid S/N? And traced back o a solen gun repor seven yars ago in exas or Michigan? I still would no epain how HE got his grubs on i.

    Or suppose (perish the thought…) he HAD been able to take some shots t Mr. Trump. Would hvng redable S/N have made his shos more accurate?
    My guess is this dumpf’s handlers either found one with the numbers wiped or took one and wiped them prior o supplying it.

    Hey, maybe he brought it back from the Ukraine??

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