Adventures in Baselessness

“As of today, there has been no response from you or your Department regarding the inquiry on July 12, 2024, seeking information on efforts undertaken by your Department to enforce laws prohibiting non-citizen voting. Given that the 2024 Presidential Election is in less than 34 days, your Department’s inaction and refusal to provide any information regarding its efforts to promote public trust and confidence in our elections is especially alarming,” they wrote. [More]

DOJ stonewalling Congress on serious crimes…?

Oh, go on…

And if they can get away with it with them, what chance does the little guy have?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Adventures in Baselessness”

  1. You would think that by now they would have realized that a strongly worded letter doesn’t cut it.

    What good is “the power of the purse” is they don’t have the guts to use it?

    Time to defund DoJ.

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