More Equal Than Others

“He tried to kill me in front of my kids!…There’s bullet holes in my kitchen!—”

“—Not in you though!” [Watch]

The off-screen @$$hole screaming “You’re lying!” corroborates my observation that the most obnoxious BLM protestors always seem to be the white Antifa types.

And doesn’t this just say it all?

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “More Equal Than Others”

  1. Like I said before, when doing ‘over-watch’ with the BLM and Antifa causing destruction below….always target the white person with the mega-phone first.

  2. Remember, “GoFundMe doesn’t allow accounts for people ‘accused’ of crimes of violence”… like Kyle Rittenhouse.
    At least not when it f*g suits them.

  3. If she and her kids were killed, they would protest because racist society wouldn’t protect a woman of color. And if her, her kids AND the assailant had all ended up dead it would have been considered so optimum by the protest organizers that it would have taken an entire box of tissues to clean up their reaction.

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