More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeypox

Gay Soros exec screws several men during Pride weekend, suffers excruciatingly, but blames Society [More]

So actions don’t have consequences? Just out of curiosity, has anyone heard Sebastian condemning the child infectors? And what is it Pride goeth before again…?

But no worries:

New York joins calls for the WHO to rename monkeypox over its ‘painful and racist history’

Change the name, change the perception!

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeypox”

  1. This clown is walking, talking repository of multiple sexually transmitted diseases.

    Off to the crematorium for him (willingly or not).

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