New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town!

Sickening moment man knocks shopper, 36, out cold in random one-punch attack from behind at New York City mall… before security guard wanders past unconscious body and does NOTHING [More]

That, of course, is attempted murder. What do you do with someone who can’t be trusted with his hands?

I like the way the perp’s lookin’ like a fool with his pants on the ground as he cheats paying for parking. You get the feeling there’s no law these amoral mutts won’t break at any moment as a matter of self-entitlement.

I see the Eloi won’t involve themselves either… then again, why should they?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town!”

  1. A yone who continues to live in New York City is either deranged, psychotic, or deliusioinal. Or one of the sucker class, not working but surviving off the efforts and resources of others.
    Friend of mine from way back grew up in Manhattanin the 50’s and 60′ left for college, stayed in the Berserkeley area for a decade or two. Mum got sick, he returned to NYC to care for her. Ten years on she passed on, he was able to take over the rent controlled apartment Mum had had since the early 1950’s. I think she was paying $450/month, which price he inherited. After getting his car stolen and/or broken in to a number of times, hit whilst parked, vandalised, and still often had to walk half a mile or more from the “nearest” prize parking space, he wearied of the whole mess. Landlord had approached him multiple times about disappearing. He said “got nowhere else to goi, so you’re stuck with me”. Landlord was losing serious bux at the piddly $450/month he could not change. (anyone owning rental property in NYC is even more nuts than the average Joe). The government might as well confiscate the joint.
    Friend had about had enough, was visiting friends further east, mentioned he’d like to dump NYC. “We know of a five acre hobby farm in Vermont, we’ll take you there tomorrow”. They did. He got back, called his landlord, said I know where I am going now, need four months to get out… but I don’t have money to buy the new place. “How much?” “$120K”. HLandlord said DONE. I will buy your farm, you are out in four months, deal? They shook on it. Now he’s cutting his own firewood, growing things in his own yard, enjoying the quiet and nice smells, has not had any of his cars broken into or vandalised, or hit whilst parked, never has to look for a parking space (each car has its own spot no competition”. He is now kicking himself for not doing it ten years earlier. Oh well….

    NYC is so bad I don’t even want to pass through on the way to somewhere else, let alone live there. Not good for one’s mental health, or pysical either, for that matter.

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