We’re the Only Ones Reporting Enough

Officers sold fake police reports for cash: Prosecutor [More]

If I were in an accident, the last thing on my mind would be to set myself up for a bribery charge by making an offer to a cop I didn’t know, so my assumption is they were the ones who initiated talk of a deal.

You gotta wonder why they assumed they could get away with it. Especially with one of them being in his 50s…

You also gotta wonder about the character quality of those assuming up to lethal power over the rest of us.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “We’re the Only Ones Reporting Enough”

  1. Aside from the ‘…if you’re not cop, you’re nobody’ attitude there is and always has been the expectation of lucrative little business opportunities as part of the gig.
    Anecdote, take it fwiw; cop acquaintance related tale of being a new guy and having his supervisor tell him that said supervisor could not trust him until he’d seen him (the new guy) violate at least one citizen’s rights. I have no knowledge of whether or not he did so.

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