A Lull in the Action

New FBI stats show ‘historic’ declines in violent crime rate, with murder showing sharpest drop [More]

Funny, what that coincides with

[Via Steve T]

Related UPDATE

Admission Of Failure? Democratic Cities Stop Reporting Crime Stats To FBI [More]

Hey, where’d the lull go…?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “A Lull in the Action”

  1. Those crime drop stats must be excluding certain demonrat strongholds like Chiraq and Memphrica.

  2. I guess if we stop collecting and reporting crime data then we can eliminate all crime.

  3. When the people who collect the numbers report to the proplr who live or die politically by the numbers, “stuff” happens.

    That old saw about “figures never lie but liars definitely figure” goes back to the 1800s.

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