A Symbolic Gesture

In an email addressed to “The Phantom Lake Elementary Community” Monday, the principal described a swastika as a symbol of hate and as a symbol of peace. She apologized for not acknowledging sooner that a swastika in some cultures is a symbol of “peace and prosperity,” including she said in ‘Buddhism and Hinduism.’ Several parents took exception to the principal’s comments calling them “unacceptable” and “ill-informed.” [More]

I remember learning years ago– and I don’t have time to research it now– that my Uncle Nick’s Army unit was originally established as a Native American unit and their symbol was the swastika, but it was changed after Hitler rose to power.

[Via Steve T]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “A Symbolic Gesture”

  1. Many years ago in Colfax County, NM, the Swastika Mining company did extremely well mining the coal that was used to make steel. They even built a hotel, that still exists, with swastikas around the top of the building. It was an India symbol meaning good luck. During WWII red , white and blue banners were draped around the top of the hotel to cover the swastikas as the railroad was only 3 blocks away and they did not want any trouble with U.S. servicemen passing through on the trains.

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