Abrams Exploits Constituent Ignorance and Flat-Out Lies About Guns

Who would be ignorant enough to fall for that? Based on results, millions throughout the Republic, citizenship malpractitioners who no longer ask, but demand to know what their country can do for them, voters influenced by emotion over reality and image over substance. [More]

From the party of cognitive dissonance…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Abrams Exploits Constituent Ignorance and Flat-Out Lies About Guns”

  1. Howdy David. Very glad you got things to a new site. This is an informative article, indeed. Nothing that anyone wouldn’t expect from the Abrams Tank. She’s (as most Dems are) a total hypocrite, as well as a liar, and an anti-constitution/anti-rights type. Being right next door to the Great State of Georgia, it truly pains me to think that she’s actually got a chance in the election. Great God Almighty, I pray that none of my kin vote for her! As the man said: We shall see!!

    Y’all take care,

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