Adventures in Baselessness

A Democrat Election Worker in Harris County, Texas named Darryl Blackburn has just been charged with six felonies for his part in rigging the 2022 midterm election against Republican candidates – “Mr. Blackburn’s crime DID impact the election [results].” – DA Kim Ogg [More]


Kinda adds new meaning to “election denier,” doesn’t it?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Adventures in Baselessness”

  1. Notice they hold this stuff back until it won’t make any difference?

    Those JFK papers must contain some really mind blowing stuff.

  2. Harris County, with about 2.5mm (mostly D unfortunately) voters will use the same Hart machines in ’24. We’ve never had a serious and complete examination of the workings of these things, and an audit of the election results will likely just confirm whatever is spewed out of the controllers on election night or six or ten or thirty days later.
    Blackburn is an interesting character, said to hold a big $$ engineering gig at a major co. while moonlighting with the county for $$90/k or so.
    Dollar to a donut the behind the scenes operators have improved their schemes to make sure those schemes are tougher to detect. This was about more than ‘insufficient ballot supplies’.
    I’ve just departed Harris County for theoretically cleaner, greener and less corrupt environs…to hell with the slimeball County Commissioners, Houston mayor & council and all the rest of the unaccountable overseers. We’ll see how this works out soon enough….skol

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