An Unauthorized Journalist

Gun Owners of America has decided I’m not an “Authorized Journalist”:

Curious, considering…

Even Google disagrees.


That was quick:

I’m pretty sure I identified my credentials on their application.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

6 thoughts on “An Unauthorized Journalist”

  1. How can my favorite Gun Rights Organization not admit my favorite Gun Rights Researcher/Reporter?

    In what world is this gatekeeper living?

  2. An “Unauthorized Journalist”?
    Now I’ll be even more excited to read your articles.😱 😁😂

  3. Dang, it turns out you ARE “authorized” to be an author.

    And here I thought I might be reading, you know, subversive stuff.

  4. I just now saw this, but was about to send them an angry email as a Lifetime Member had you not updated it. I wonder what happened? Did they have some kid working the applications who only knows the big youtube channels, and not the guy – along with Mike V – who broke Fast and Furious?

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