‘Apocalyptic Luxury’ Bunkers Could Become a Deniability Trap

It sounds more like a mad dystopian Hollywood fantasy than it does serious people grasping realities necessary to survive. [More]

“You, go. The trophy wife can stay,” the armed private security detail head growled. “Say, is this 30-year-old Scotch?”

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “‘Apocalyptic Luxury’ Bunkers Could Become a Deniability Trap”

  1. Yeah…. Most of these bunkers will be quickly usurped by the “hired help” when SHTF. And the useless rich people with zero actual skills will be lucky if they don’t catch a round to the back of he head. Or perhaps that fate would be kinder for them.

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