Pass Constitutional Carry Now in North Carolina [More]
You’re not gonna let some Yankee from Ohio care more about it than you do, are you?
Funny thing about Google, and I don’t mean “ha ha” funny: Search for “Grassroots North Carolina” and good luck finding the gun group’s website. I noticed a similar phenomenon the other day when I put in the title of a recent AmmoLand article.
By suppressing our work, they suppress our political action.
Their sucking up to Trump has to do more than just stoke the guy’s ego. A “Second Amendment President” would be calling them out on algorithms that discriminate against one of his core constituencies.
But back to the resason for this post: Sign GRNC’s petition.
Try clearing your browser cache prior to performing the search. A google search using Chrome browser on “Grass Roots North Carolina” hits GRNC’s website as the first hit after you do this.
I did and it doesn’t– and no idea why the GRNC basketball group should show up at all since I go to the GRNC gun site all the time…