Attn: Washington Gun Owners

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, is joined by GOP Candidate Michael Baumgartner, a former State Senator now running to be the Representative to the US House in the 5th Congressional District. Michael is part of a very crowded field of both Repubicans and Democrats vying for this open seat. Today we ask Michael lots of questions, but most imprtantly, what sets him apart from the other candidates for this race. So learn more today so you can arm yourself with education [Watch]

The district is winnable for Republicans, so this isn’t a waste of time.

Know the race, the candidates, and where they stand on the issues. Anybody got any info on the other Republicans? If I can find time I’ll look, but just putting their names into a search engine and adding “+ gun” is a good starting point.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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