Best Reason I’ve Heard Yet for Disarming You and Me

When the man confronted the juveniles, police say one of them pulled out a gun. [More]

We’d tell you their names but they’re too young and innocent…

[Via Steve T]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Best Reason I’ve Heard Yet for Disarming You and Me”

  1. “When officers arrived they found two 13-year-old shooting victims. One was shot in the leg and the other was shot in the lower back.”
    I read the story, and it looked to me like there was only one victim, and he wasn’t shot… only two of the juvenile perps were shot and injured.

  2. Maybe I should move to Philadelphia, AKA “The City of Brotherly Love.”

    Based on the linked page, it looks like “the Brothas” ensure it “be a happenin’ place.”

    They’re still going to have to up their game a bit to catch up with Chicago.

  3. The police are still “searching” for the perps gun….which will conveniently never be found and thus the DA can charge the victim for having the gall to defend himself. The dude better hope there’s video showing what really happened or is screwed.

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