Bitter Pills

The tragic cases of the father in Miami who killed his daughter and the mother in Missouri who turned herself in after killing her two children last week highlight the devastating consequences of the government-backed mental health system embedded with the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industrial complex. The result of which is that no one seems to be getting better. [More]

You gotta wonder who’s payin’ who to keep things so close to the vest…

Stiefel Labs “leans” Democrat? Thing sure have changed with ol’ Werner gone. The first assignment he gave me was to read Atlas Shrugged. It’s the only job I was ever fired from, and the decision was made without giving me a chance to explain myself, but suffice it to say some were looking for an excuse after a customer (Pfizer, before it was evil) credited me for turning a management screw-up around. That and he decided I wasn’t Atlantis material because I wasn’t much of an acolyte.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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