Blaming the Victim

Keith, of course, is a f-ing communist.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Blaming the Victim”

  1. He may well ALSO be a communist, but first and foremost, he’s an Islamist.

    Intent on putting Sharia law into effect everywhere in the state, not just as it currently exists (de facto) in Little Mogadishu (SW Minneapolis).

  2. I remember his ex also accusing Ellis of physical abuse, showing lots of bruising in photos along the way.

  3. He may well BE a commie, I have ot evaluated the evidence for that claim. But we all DO know he is one of the Emm crowd… we learned this when he insisted on taking his (false) oath of office with his hand on Thomas Jefferson’s personal copy of he koran, utterly failing to understand WHY Jefferson acquired this tome.

    Jefferson had an hundred times the integrity, honesty, patriotism, honour, good sense in his left little finger than this Ellison critter has in his entire oversized body.

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